
Financial donations & grants

Hay & District Dial-A-Ride is financed through a mix of funding from Government bodies, charities and businesses, together with self generated income including membership subscriptions, fares and local fundraising. We are very grateful for the support we receive from our regular funding agencies, as we are for the many groups and individuals who make occasional donations. If you would like to support us through a financial donation you can do so via our local giving page.

What your gift could provide

  • £40 - one week's fuel for one minibus

  • £200 - one month's Covid social distancing office rent

  • £1,200 - one year's minibus insurance

If you or your organisation is considering supporting Dial-a-Ride, please get in touch with our Chief Executive, who will be pleased to provide you with any information that you may need.

Leaving a legacy

What is a legacy gift?

A legacy gift is a specific item or donation left in a Will. It’s also commonly known as ‘gifts in Wills’. Legacy gifts are one of the most significant contributions you can make to a cause you care about.Gifts in Wills

There are different types of gifts in Wills. Some of the most common ones we receive are:

  1. Residuary gifts - A share, or sometimes all, of an estate after all the other payments have been made.

  2. Pecuniary gifts – A specific sum of money

  3. Specific gifts - A particular item, such as property, antiques, jewellery and shares.

It is important that the gift is described precisely in your Will, so that the executors can understand exactly what you intended.

Leaving estate to charity

Leaving a share of your estate to charity is also known as a ‘residuary gift’. One of the advantages of leaving a share of your estate to charity is that it doesn't lose value over time, and if you leave a proportion to us, you can still ensure other beneficiaries are provided for first.

Leaving a Will

Leaving a Will lets you take care of your assets, your loved ones and the causes you care about after gone. If you die without leaving a valid Will, their assets (or their ‘estate’) gets shared according to certain rules (called ‘intestacy’).

Our address and charity number

To include Hay & District Dial-a-Ride in your Will, please ask your solicitor to use our charity and address details below to ensure the gift reaches us.

Hay & District Dial-a-Ride, a registered charity in England and Wales (1152682)

Registered address:
14 Castle Street,

If you’d like to talk to us about a legacy, please get in touch. However we do not provide legal advice and you should always consult a solicitor.